Wednesday, 20 August 2008


True to the title, faith can be described as an inner growing form of sustinance to the soul. Rooting itslf deeply, never letting go.................untill unceremoniously it is ripped out, shattering it's meer foundations and rendering it helpless if not useless......Doubfully, faith is not that fickle but rather grows as deep as you want it to and enchores itself through not only the rainy days when the foundation is vuanarable but also on days when harvest time is close.....A rather long and seeming unjointed methaphor....Maybe, or maybe faith is what we want it to be. There has always been a thin line between faith and religion and even though they co-exist who is to say one cannot exist without the other? Can religion be described as the soil or the roots? For if it is the soil then faith does not grow without it but if it is the roots then through religion faith firmly roots itself and expands it's horizon..................Compare it to whatever you want, Faith is, what faith has always been.