Saturday, 25 February 2012

The naked avatar

Boobs, buttocks and everything in between... The quickest way to get followers and trend on twitter seems to be the distasteful displays of nudity that have become oh so popular.... The issue here is not the nudity but the fact that there are women who feel invisible.

In an environment where one is most likely to be followed for their  wit, humour, sarcasm, insight and  intelligence amongst other things one wonders why there is a growing number of women who feel that the best way to get people to give you attention is through showing them your naked body. I am all for sexy and suggestive avatars but saggy breasts and ashy thighs?

Nudity for the sake of being naked has nothing to do with being confident in the skin you are in. I refuse to believe that a picture of me fully naked in a bath, shower or on my bed is going to show the world that I am confident. Part of being confident is knowing that your sexuality is part of a package. 

The female form has been celebrated and stigmatised throughout the ages and in my books this is no way to "celebrate" being a woman. To undermine the multitude of reasons why women are so phenomenal is to take your clothes off, stand in front of a mirror with your 2 mega pixel camera and take a suggestively distasteful image of your womanhood in the hopes of gaining twitter popularity...

Friday, 24 February 2012

Another journey

This year started off with many resolutions and one of them was to write more... After turning 22, graduating, unemployment and dealing with the reality of life back at home, I have realised that I now have time to indulge in some of my passions...

Alot has changed since I started this blog and I look forward to sharing it all.

Monday, 11 April 2011

The perfect somebody

Like the girl in Notting Hill we all want to someday find the perfect man... “I am just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love me....” romantic die hards live for words like this and they fuel the illusion of the perfect man. Well good luck finding the perfect man, in fact, even better luck finding the perfect anybody. Even the perfect you...
The perfect man is as perfect as what you think he should be. Our notions of perfection are directly tied to what we think we deserve, what we can live with and how far we are willing to compromise. It’s not about the perfect wedding, the picket fence and the small gestures reminding you that he loves you but rather how much you love yourself enough to expect as good as you are willing to give. Highly contested as that might be, like everything else in life, you give as good as you get and sometimes it doesn’t work out quite right but like everything else there still is no formula to the perfect relationship and no it’s not true that if it hurts you are doing it right but it surely is a myth that if it doesn’t then it’s perfect...

Life lessons from living... again

Appreciate the little that you have for some day you might wake up and even that will be gone..... Recent worldly events have brought to the fore the fact that we are seldom appreciative of the little that we have..... untill you see somebody stuck in rubble with no way to turn pitted against the most formidable opponent, nature itself. It is true that we should not compare our situations and we carry our burdens diffarently, what might be a problem for me, somebody else might see as a matter of insignificance.... that in itself is not the problem, the problem is when we cant see past where we are and choose to focus on the problem and not the way out. It is sad to stand witness to the current state of Japan and it should serve as a constant reminder that the little things we enjoy are not to be taken lightly, but again this is a lesson that we all forget as soon as we turn off the news, close the newspaper or log off the internet.... The current times are times that remind us that it is always good to believe in something more... trust in something higher and live a life worth writting a book about.

Life lessons from living (1)

The simple and undisputed truth is that there is really no manual to living. I say this with due consideration to the fact that in application to real life situations it is even harder to pretend that this does not exist. However late it might be, this is infact my first post of the current year, twitter is starting to kill the blog.... In as much as I have said this before, I think it is important to reiterate that in as much as the world wants you to be.. it is more important to choose to be...........

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


Standing at the entry point of hell, the one question you would never want the devil to ask is “Why did you not save your soul?” So here I am, fighting frantically to save mine.
At any other crossroads in my life the question has always been; CAN I WAKE UP AND STILL LOOK AT MYSELF IN THE MIRROR?
So maybe I have grown tired of looking at myself in the mirror trying to convince myself that one day karma is not going to shatter the state of my life to a million little pieces and force me to understand that every action has a reaction. Cliché as it might sound, I have come to believe in cycles, yes cycles.. Things happen in a circular manner, today the universe is smiling at you, and tomorrow you’re confronted by fire and brimstone. So now maybe I have decided to look at life a little differently, LAUGH UNTILL YOUR SIDES HURT, LOVE WILDLY, SMILE UTILL YOUR MOUTH HURTS TOO  AND LIVE………. LIVE EVERYDAY REMEMBERING THAT YOU ARE AT THE BRINK OF GREATNESS. …………YOUR OWN GREATNESS.


Standing at the entry point of hell, the one question you would never want the devil to ask is “Why did you not save your soul?” So here I am, fighting frantically to save mine.
At any other crossroads in my life the question has always been; CAN I WAKE UP AND STILL LOOK AT MYSELF IN THE MIRROR?
So maybe I have grown tired of looking at myself in the mirror trying to convince myself that one day karma is not going to shatter the state of my life to a million little pieces and force me to understand that every action has a reaction. Cliché as it might sound, I have come to believe in cycles, yes cycles.. Things happen in a circular manner, today the universe is smiling at you, and tomorrow you’re confronted by fire and brimstone. So now maybe I have decided to look at life a little differently, LAUGH UNTILL YOUR SIDES HURT, LOVE WILDLY, SMILE UTILL YOUR MOUTH HEARTS AND LIVE………. LIVE EVERYDAY REMEMBERING THAT YOU ARE AT THE BRINK OF GREATNESS. …………YOUR OWN GREATNESS.