Monday, 11 April 2011

The perfect somebody

Like the girl in Notting Hill we all want to someday find the perfect man... “I am just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love me....” romantic die hards live for words like this and they fuel the illusion of the perfect man. Well good luck finding the perfect man, in fact, even better luck finding the perfect anybody. Even the perfect you...
The perfect man is as perfect as what you think he should be. Our notions of perfection are directly tied to what we think we deserve, what we can live with and how far we are willing to compromise. It’s not about the perfect wedding, the picket fence and the small gestures reminding you that he loves you but rather how much you love yourself enough to expect as good as you are willing to give. Highly contested as that might be, like everything else in life, you give as good as you get and sometimes it doesn’t work out quite right but like everything else there still is no formula to the perfect relationship and no it’s not true that if it hurts you are doing it right but it surely is a myth that if it doesn’t then it’s perfect...

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