Saturday, 25 February 2012

The naked avatar

Boobs, buttocks and everything in between... The quickest way to get followers and trend on twitter seems to be the distasteful displays of nudity that have become oh so popular.... The issue here is not the nudity but the fact that there are women who feel invisible.

In an environment where one is most likely to be followed for their  wit, humour, sarcasm, insight and  intelligence amongst other things one wonders why there is a growing number of women who feel that the best way to get people to give you attention is through showing them your naked body. I am all for sexy and suggestive avatars but saggy breasts and ashy thighs?

Nudity for the sake of being naked has nothing to do with being confident in the skin you are in. I refuse to believe that a picture of me fully naked in a bath, shower or on my bed is going to show the world that I am confident. Part of being confident is knowing that your sexuality is part of a package. 

The female form has been celebrated and stigmatised throughout the ages and in my books this is no way to "celebrate" being a woman. To undermine the multitude of reasons why women are so phenomenal is to take your clothes off, stand in front of a mirror with your 2 mega pixel camera and take a suggestively distasteful image of your womanhood in the hopes of gaining twitter popularity...

Friday, 24 February 2012

Another journey

This year started off with many resolutions and one of them was to write more... After turning 22, graduating, unemployment and dealing with the reality of life back at home, I have realised that I now have time to indulge in some of my passions...

Alot has changed since I started this blog and I look forward to sharing it all.